전기스쿨인강 나의 강의실 커뮤니티 고객센터 동영상강의 USB강의 쇼핑몰 유료회원제
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트위터로 보내기 싸이월드 공감
3상 반파 맥동률  |  학습자료 2018-01-12 03:26:42
작성자  김대호 조회  2453   |   추천  247
첨부파일 : 1515695202-2.jpg

3 Phase Half Wave Rectifier

In three phase half wave rectifier, three diodes are connected to each of the three phase of secondary winding of the transformer. The three phases of secondary are connected in the form of star thus it is also called Star Connected Secondary.

Three phase half wave Rectifier

The anode terminal of the diode is connected to the secondary winding of the transformer. And the three phases of the transformer is connected together at a common point called neutral. This neutral point provides the negative terminal to the load and is earthed.

Voltage Waveforms of 3 phase half wave rectifier

Each diodes conducts for one third of the AC cycle and remaining two diodes will remains open circuit. The ouput DC voltage will be between the peak value of supply voltage and half of the supply voltage.

The ripple factor for 3 phase half wave rectifier is derived in the equations below.

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주소 : 서울특별시 서초구 효령로 41, 1층 통신판매등록번호 : 2010-서울서초-0491
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